Friday, November 2, 2012

Master Shuckle Race Project

Might start up my breeding ring again to get my perfect IV Shuckle in my spare time. I even developed a nomenclature system.

For instance, S001♥♠★♣♦♪

S - First letter of Pokemon name. (Shuckle)
001 - Number of Pokemon bred.
♥♠★♣♦♪ - Symbols representing which IV stat that the Pokemon has maxed. Represents HP, Attack, Special Attack, Defense, Special Defense, and Speed, respectively, and almost always in that order. I only give them these symbols if the stats in question are useful for filling the gap of IVs in newer generations. For instance, I have two Shuckles with four max IVs, but if I get a Shuckle with FIVE, then I would switch name it and switch it with one of the parents.

Right now I have S251♥♠★♦ and S252★♣♦♪ working hard makin' babies. 

They're both holding braces that allow them to automatically pass down the stats I want to the children, and there is always a small chance one of both of the parents' IVs are inherited. The rest is up to luck.

The most recent Shuckle I've hatched is S280 (★♣♠ if you want to know) I have about three Shuckles who have four maxed IVs. Working on 5, and one day all 6, so I can crossbreed my SuperShuckles to breed the rest of my team. All different species, but all descendant of two Shuckle.

At the head of my party is a Magmar named "Chichi", meaning "Father". He has Flame Body, which halves the required steps for eggs to hatch.

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