Tuesday, February 12, 2013

mFufni's Adventure Beta 0.5 + Gifts From Canada

Alright, it's been awhile since I updated this, as school and everything has been getting in the way. But it's got a lot more since the last time.

BEACH zone

Namely, you can now enter the Forts and actually play the main aspect of the game off the overworld. The objective of each Fort is to grab the key, which teleports you back onto the overworld. The basic enemy, the fR0t, now spawns with your difficulty level, which increases each time you enter a Fort. The zone you're in affects what kind of Fort is randomly generated.

- [Enter] to select on main menu
- [A] to enter Forts on the overworld, or to turn on the Charm inside Forts
- [S] to throw torches inside Forts, or to turn on the Charm on the overworld, or to cancel on the main menu
- [Arrow Keys] to move

- Added actual combat
- Added capability to enter the Shop, as well as Forts
- Torches' throw distances scale with your level, which increases for traversing the overworld
- Randomly generated terrain within Forts in the BEACH and FIELD zones
- fR0t enemies
- Animated ocean on overworld
- Added many sounds

- No HUD yet
- Only two zones have randomly generated terrain
- Only one kind of enemy
- RIVER zone river is bugged and uninteresting to look at
- Shop doesn't have a practical use yet

As a bonus for this blog, since it's been awhile, my friend Josh sent me some floppy disks from Canada. For anyone who doesn't know, I plan to put this game on floppies and ship them out to people who pay five dollars as a donation on Kickstarter or Indiegogo. I plan to have a commercial and custom labels for the floppies; the game itself will be free online. Buying the floppies is more for novelty/supporting an indie artist. I will start with 100 copies. The first 100 to buy copies will have their names put in the credits, which is part of the incentive to buy a game for a "console" that isn't even put in computers anymore.

The floppies Nabeshin (Josh) gave me will probably be used for special edition or Beta cartridges since I plan to use the really old floppies in that off-white color. I want to make this really legitimate looking. I'm contemplating paying for a copyright, making a commercial, and seeing if I can get it rated by the ESRB. This project is partially due to wanting more experience, partially so I can say I made a game that had a hard copy release that shipped internationally. In other words, it's a joke I'm taking way too far, which is just the way I like it.

For any of you who want to play the latest version, you can get the game here!